MEXICO is one giant art installation. Living inside the art makes us participate in that installation. We become one with art. Inspired by the play on textures, colors, smells, taste, sounds, light and movement. We are living in an art installation that's titiled Mexico.
Here's an example of snack displayed in a street vendors stand. Fruit Loops, Palomitas,Orange food and some other golden snack that I'm not familar with. What's to appreciate about this is the use of color. The bags are full behind the glass case and the bright colored snacks are layered between the light colored snacks. This concept in the use of color is evident in all areas of daliy Mexican life.

Galvanized pails full of nuts and beans ouside of a store front in San Felipe, Guanajuato. Color is used in the plastic buckets. Black against green and the position of the containers makes it obvious this is displayed in a well thought out composition.
Accidental art installations are the best. Old binders stacked and tied with rope inside the Municipio office under a light well. Certainly not planned but how does this happen? We might find something similar in the MOMA. Textures, Colors and composition give this random arrangement life. The rope not only serves a purpose in keeping things together but also works visually and pulls the eye across the numbered and colored binders.Building blocks for visual play.
In a discount warehouse near the Abasto in Queretaro. Color choices are important in all products in Mexico. The white handles break up the color. Why wouldn't these just be stacked up by color? The manufacturer at the plastic plant made a concious decision to mix up the colors. It's inviting to see the rich colors. Yummy like sweet candy!

Texture, Color, composition. Everywhere you put your eyes in Mexico your sure to see art. Be aware the next time your wondering the highways and byways of Mexico because the installation is surrounding.
Other blogs of mine.
Fireworks over the Jardin in San Miguel de Allende. Just another part of the great art installations in Mexico. In San Miguel you can see art installations above your head almost every night of the week in September.

Texture, Color, composition. Everywhere you put your eyes in Mexico your sure to see art. Be aware the next time your wondering the highways and byways of Mexico because the installation is surrounding.
Other blogs of mine.
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